
Legal information on the website



BFMT Audit GmbH

Accounting Firmt

Flurstr. 9

94234 Viechtach



Telefon: +49 (0)9942 - 94951 - 0

Fax: +49 (0)9942 - 94951 - 11

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Managing Director::

Dipl.-Math.-oec. Dr. Martin Trost

Dipl. oec. troph. (Univ.) MBA Dr. Bernd Fischl


Company headquarters: Viechtach

UstId: DE286408771

Commercial Register: District Court Deggendorf, HRB 3498

Tax Advisor (StB)

The tax advisor profession is essentially subject to the following professional regulations:

Tax Advisory Act (StBerG), Implementing Regulations for the Tax Advisory Act (DVStB), Professional Code (BOStB), Tax Advisor Fee Ordinance (StBGebV)

The professional regulations can be viewed at the competent local and regional chambers of tax consultants themselves - e.g. at the Chamber of Tax Consultants in Stuttgart ( - or under the heading "Information material" on the website of the Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants (

The tax consultant Martin Trost was awarded the legal professional title of tax consultant in the Federal Republic of Germany, in the state of Bavaria. The responsible Chamber of Tax Advisors is the Munich Chamber of Tax Advisors (Munich Chamber of Tax Advisors, Nederlinger Straße 9, 80638 Munich).

Place of jurisdiction: Viechtach

Professional liability insurance: HDI Gerling, PO Box 102464, 50464 Cologne, number: KxF70-005863810/471 (area of application: EU / Germany)

Public Accountant (WP) / Certified Public Accountant (vBP)

The profession of auditor / chartered accountant is essentially subject to the following professional regulations:

Wirtschaftsprüferordnung (WPO), professional statutes for auditors / sworn auditors (BS WP/vBP), statutes for quality control, seal ordinance, auditors' professional liability insurance regulations

The current version of the professional regulations can be viewed on the website of the Chamber of Public Accountants ( under the option "Service - Legal Regulations".

Exclusion of liability (disclaimer) / external links

On this website you will find information of a general nature. This is neither intended nor suitable to replace individual advice from experts, taking into account the specific circumstances of each individual case. We have taken the greatest possible care in compiling them. Nevertheless, we cannot assume any liability, for whatever legal reason, for its correctness, topicality and completeness. For further and individual information, please feel free to contact us.


All information and disclosures on this website are non-binding even if there is an attorney-client relationship between the BFMT Group and the user of this content.

Likewise, all other information that is given in writing or verbally outside of a client relationship is non-binding.

An e-mail inquiry does not automatically create a client relationship, nor can this be interpreted as a sign of an existing client relationship.

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